Drug Slang, I Need Some Informational Sites for Them?

Question by Life Is Beautiful at Sixx: A.M.: Drug slang, I need some informational sites for them?
Now don’t get all worked up over the stupid question title… I’m not a drug addict, don’t know any, and will never be a drug addict… I just don’t want this question to be deleted, so I can get information I need…

I’m writing a short story for my English class. There is one scene of a drug deal going on. My teacher recommended I use drug slang words for a better effect. I’m searching the internet for sites, but they go in the opposite direction… they give the slang, and show the real word.
What I need, is to type the name of the drug (i.e. heroin or pot) and get slang words.

Now please don’t report this, I’m not trying to promote drug abuse, it’s stupid and idiotic.
Cool… I live in indiana… that was random…
but thanks…

Best answer:

Answer by Frankie The Brownie Monster
try this:


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