drug rehab centers

Can Physical Therapy Assistants Work in Drug Rehab Centers?

Question by April: Can Physical Therapy assistants work in drug rehab centers?
I’m becoming a physical therapy assistant and wanted to know 🙂
My mom did drugs when i was little and i want to know if by choosing this career path if I can help others- even if i couldnt help her.

Best answer:

Answer by mistify
This would not be a usual setting for a PT or a PTA. Chemical dependency rehabilitation and physical rehabilitation are two entirely different entities.

Addiction Treatment Centers | Los Angeles Drug Rehab Centers | Addiction Treatment Centers


Addiction Treatment Centers | Los Angeles Drug Rehab Centers | Addiction Treatment Centers – http://rehabilitationlosangeles.net Addiction Treatment Centers plans focus on drug and alcohol use by means of counseling, sober living facilities, detox in…


Where Is a Really Small Redneck Country Back Woods Town in Central Florida? Please Answer Asap!?

Question by : Where is a really small Redneck Country back woods Town in Central Florida? Please answer asap!?
I am needing to move out of the town im in now in a Florida due to a Drug addiction I have just gottan back from rehab and before it gets really bad again I Really need to move away ASAP but I dont have much money, and if i move i wanna move to a REALLY Small Country Redneck Town in Central Florida. Please help me out. Thank You.

Best answer:

Answer by Nora

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Nearest Drug Rehab Centers in Dallas Texas Close to La Habra


Nearest Drug Rehab Centers In Dallas Texas Close to La Habra – For Drug Recovery Assistance Call 1-855-602-5102 24/7/365.


Drug Rehab Centers Out West or Down South?

Question by P: Drug Rehab centers out west or down south?
I need to know of any good drug rehab centers out west or down south. Im working out a plan to send my sister to one. Shes 20 and is strung out on Oxy Cotin to the point that she shoots it in her arm. In the past my family sent her to one that was only about 20 mins away,and she was still at home and surrounded with it. i think i might have a plan that would work. i would like to send her out west and have her get clean and instead of bringing her back home to my moms house where oxy cotin is spreading like the plague i want to send her to my sister who lives in Germany to live for a few years until shes finally get a whole new look on life. at the same time my parents aren’t loaded. so cost is playing a huge role in this. there has to be places that have payment plans and such. i would appreciate some feedback. thanks

Affordable Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Massachusetts


Affordable Drug and alcohol Rehab In Massachusetts – Call 1-855-602-5102 for Local (and National) Drug Rehab Centers in Massachusetts http://yourdrugabusehotline.com/local-affordable-drug-and-alcohol-detox-reha…