drug abuse

A Daughter’s Struggle: How Drug Abuse Hurts Families and Relationships


A Daughter’s Struggle: how drug abuse hurts families and relationships – Inspired by a letter from a daughter to her mother, this video shows how abuse of prescription drugs – a common problem – can affect relationships and families.


What Are the Diferent NGO’s in the Philippines?

Question by Rhai T: What are the diferent NGO’s in the Philippines?

Best answer:

Answer by sneekz206

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



Prescription Drug Abuse Awareness – Life Changing Experience Speech – Kyle Churchley gives a presentation to Carson Middle School to discuss his personal experience with prescription drug abuse that changed his life.


Alcohol Drug Abuse…………..?

Question by : Alcohol drug abuse…………..?
I have to do a presentation tomorrow trying to appeal to my peers (high school) that alcohol drug abuse is bad. What are some good things or facts to say? (I’m just looking for more ideas)
Thank you.
bleh, it’s late
I meant
alcohol use abuse

Best answer:

Answer by Horsense
I am headed to bed, but you are welcome to research:

“What’s Wrong With Binge Drinking?”

“Alcohol Misuse and Health”

“Young People and Drugs”

“Drug Abuse . . .”:
– Who Takes Them?
– Why Do People Abuse Them?

Differentiate Drug Abuse From Dependence?

Question by : Differentiate Drug Abuse From Dependence?

Best answer:

Answer by Camo
Drug abuse is taking more than you need to get high.
Dependence is doing it the next day against reason. The drug tells you to.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



Alcohol & Drug Abuse-Get Help Now – http://turningpointrc.com/ Alcohol & drug abuse, get help now. Talk with a professional counselor now. 505-217-1717. Turning Point Recovery Center, Albuquerq…


Possible Drug Abuse?

Question by Beth66: possible drug abuse?
If a man becomes involved with a woman from his past where there were numerous legal problems (criminal) and drug abuse and his behavior changes dramatically is it possible there is a drug connection again? He dropped all of his friends, his professional training as an athlete and started chronic lying. He had episodes of bizarre behavior also.

Best answer:

Answer by Pam H
Quite possible.

Give your answer to this question below!



Question by meeeee09: DRUG ABUSE IN THE FAMILY. HELP!?
My husbands mother was once addicted to several types of drugs…sleep aids and muscle relaxers. and some others, not sure all. she was a different person then the person we know and love.

We tried and tried to help her. she went through rehab a few times. she was finally becoming her normal self again. happy and aware of things. not always asleep. e lived in GA and she lives in WV…I would talk to her on the phone and I could tell she was doing very well!