How Will I Find the Drug Treatment Program That’s Right for Me in Tully, New York?

Question by aubrie c: How will I find the drug treatment program that’s right for me in Tully, New York?
It was hanging out with my friends that got me addicted to marijuana. I now realize that this isn’t the kind of person that I want to be for the rest of my life. I have become someone that I used to dislike, and I want to change. Can anybody tell me how I’m going to find a drug rehab with a treatment program that will be right for me?

Best answer:

Answer by aubrie a
Your best bet is to go to a doctor to get yourself checked up. The doctor will assess your current situation and tell you what kind of drug treatment program will be best for you, as well as which drug rehabs have this kind of program. You can also try to contact various drug rehabs and assess them yourself. Most follow the 12-step program of AA, but there are some who do some modifications. I’m glad that you have finally chosen to turn over a new leaf. I do hope that you get treated and recover soon. Good luck!

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


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