police officer

Does Anybody Know What Dare Is?

Question by : does anybody know what dare is?
dare is a program where a police officer teaches about drugs

Best answer:

Answer by do-anh
Drug Abuse Resistance Education, better known as DARE, is an international education program that seeks to prevent use of controlled drugs, membership in gangs, and violent behavior. D.A.R.E., which has expanded globally since its founding in 1983, is a demand-side drug control strategy of the U.S. War on Drugs. Students who enter the program sign a pledge not to use drugs or join gangs and are taught by local law enforcement about the dangers of drug use in an interactive in-school curriculum which lasts ten weeks. D.A.R.E. America has its headquarters in Inglewood, California.

Georgia State Probation?

Question by Tammy B: georgia state probation?
I understand that a person must follow the rules once placed on probation. But my son was placed on intense probation in Lowndes County, for 8 years for meth use. He was not ever drug tested, nor had a home visit in 11 months. Now he has been arrested again, with less than $ 1.00 street value of meth, and is going to be sentenced to 9 years in prison, as well as having probation revoked. His probation officer(former police officer) is not willing to let him enter rehab, then go to prison. What is a person to do in this situation. He has a good lawyer who see’s the probation mess up as not a real issue to address! [email protected]

Kentucky State Fair: What You Need to Know Before You Go


Kentucky State Fair: What you need to know before you go – The 109th Kentucky State Fair kicks off Thursday with rides, music, food and fun.


Judge calls for trial in Ky. lethal injection case

Filed under: drug addiction help in louisville ky

Shepherd previously ruled that Kentucky's plans to use one or two drugs to carry out an execution appeared to pass constitutional muster. But the judge took issue with how the state assesses condemned inmates' mental abilities in the weeks leading up …
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Non-Religious & Faith Based Drug Addiction Rehab Treatment in Oregon 1-855-602-5102


Non-Religious & Faith Based Drug Addiction Rehab Treatment In Oregon 1-855-602-5102 – Call 1-855-602-5102 Drug Addiction Rehab Treatment In Oregon http://yourdrugabusehotline.com/non-religious-drug-addiction-rehab-treatment-in-oregon/ Religiou…


Heads of Partners, South Shore Hospital say merger would benefit patients

Filed under: drug abuse treatment plans

The president of South Shore Hospital told the Patriot Ledger's editorial board on Monday that the hospital's plan to merge with the Partners HealthCare hospital chain could reduce some choices for patients but would, in the end, result in better, less …
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How Beneficial Would It Be to Join the Army Knowing I Want to Be a COP.?

Question by alex: How beneficial would it be to join the army knowing i want to be a COP.?
So im 21 years old and i work full time and i take classes on criminal law. But i only take 1-2 classes every semester because my job limits my availability for school. On top of that.. I only took 1 class throughout my college career.. I just recently went back to school so thats why. Anyways my ultimate goal is join LAPD Gang unit division but i understand LAPD is very strict when it comes to the hiring process. Although i dont have a criminal record, i have a dirty past when it comes to stealing and drug abuse. I have never messed around with hard drugs but i do smoke weed on the daily. I have to stop..
So im sitting in my office with a dead-end job knowing im not getting any younger, enlisting in the Army as a Military Police as my MOS didnt seem to be a bad idea. I mean, why not? I get to travel, get PAID for wat im passionate for instead of working 5am-5pm M-Sat doing the same thing. I was researching a lot and ive read all the pros and cons and im definitely interested. I want to join the army as military police. But how much will this help me in becoming a Police Officer. Maybe start off with the lower dept such as Torrance PD or Pasadena PD and then transfer to LAPD?

Alcohol Rehabs in Maryland | Call 800-303-2938 for More Information


Alcohol Rehabs in Maryland | Call 800-839-1682 For More Information – Alcohol Rehabs in Maryland – Call 800-839-1682 For More Information Are you looking for the best Alcohol Rehabs in Maryland? The best thing to do is to call …


License Losses Rise For Health Care Workers

Filed under: drug abuse help in maryland

The official reason for each suspension wasn't immediately available, but Denise Nies, executive director of the board, said the number of suspensions related to drug diversion or abuse has increased since she took the position in early 2012. … He …
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