Stay Sober With Alcohol Treatment Center Massachusetts.


Stay sober with alcohol treatment center Massachusetts. – Find an alcohol treatment center away from Massachusetts today. Drug and alcohol addiction is serious- Find full recovery support and professional detox programs for Mass. residents. You need a supportive staff that cares to kick addiction. Start your life again, independent and strong, with an alcohol treatment center outside of MA. Call 866 858-6003 now!


Rate of Foster Kids on Psychotropic Drugs Falls

Filed under: drug treatment centers in massachusetts

In 2011, the U.S. Government Accountability Office released a report that found Texas had the second-highest rate of foster children prescribed psychotropic drugs — at 32.3 percent — behind Massachusetts but ahead of Florida, Michigan and Oregon …
Read more on MyHighPlains


Physicians' brain scans indicate doctors can feel their patients' pain — and

Filed under: drug treatment centers in massachusetts

Now, in a novel investigation in which physicians underwent brain scans while they believed they were actually treating patients, researchers have provided the first scientific evidence indicating that doctors truly can feel their patients' pain – and …
Read more on EurekAlert (press release)