drug treatment

Alcohol and Drug Treatment Centers | Drug Rehabilitation Centers in San Diego


Alcohol and Drug Treatment Centers | Drug Rehabilitation Centers in San Diego – http://alcoholrehabinsandiego.com Drug, alcohol, and prescription drugs addiction is treated at Alcohol and Drug Treatment Centers’ residential facility in S…


Ranking Every Panthers Quarterback…Ever.

Filed under: drug treatment programs in san diego

Included in that list was, of course, Cam Newton, the Panthers' current QB and the face of the franchise. And while this has been a bizarre …. He was out of the league by 2003 and went into coaching, but was found dead of an apparent drug overdose in …
Read more on Cat Scratch Reader

Alcohol Drug Treatment of Grand Rapids (616) 828-4790 — Detox Rehab Michigan


Alcohol Drug Treatment of Grand Rapids (616) 828-4790 — Detox Rehab Michigan – (616) 828-4790 http://www.AlcoholDrugTreatmentGrandRapids.com Alcohol Drug Treatment of Grand Rapids is an addiction recovery rehab providing a variety of op…


Are There Any Low-Cost Drug Treatment Programs in Oregon?

Question by abbie f: Are there any low-cost drug treatment programs in Oregon?
My family is really low on cash at the moment, and I want to help my parents by finding a low-cost drug rehab center or drug treatment program for my younger brother who has gotten himself involved in drugs. Any suggestions?

Best answer:

Answer by beth e
I have included links below that you can check out. One has a list of centers affiliated with Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Association. As far as I know, they can give grants to those who need it. You should call those centers and ask around. I hope you find a treatment center soon, and that your brother recovers form his addiction.

I Am Looking for Residential Drug/alchohol Rehabs in TN – Near Mountains.?

Question by Kathy S: I am looking for residential drug/alchohol rehabs in TN – near mountains.?
For continued treatment for 19 year old son with primary drug addiction needs a residential program to add onto his acute care setting

Best answer:

Answer by nightevisions

This site lists drug treatment centers by state.

Best of luck to you.

Add your own answer in the comments!



Residential Treatment Programs for Addiction Recovery from Sierra Tucson – Sierra Tucson treatment center is familiar for providing the safe, successful, and supportive treatment programs for those who are struggling with addiction …

Drug Rehab Centers Out West or Down South?

Question by P: Drug Rehab centers out west or down south?
I need to know of any good drug rehab centers out west or down south. Im working out a plan to send my sister to one. Shes 20 and is strung out on Oxy Cotin to the point that she shoots it in her arm. In the past my family sent her to one that was only about 20 mins away,and she was still at home and surrounded with it. i think i might have a plan that would work. i would like to send her out west and have her get clean and instead of bringing her back home to my moms house where oxy cotin is spreading like the plague i want to send her to my sister who lives in Germany to live for a few years until shes finally get a whole new look on life. at the same time my parents aren’t loaded. so cost is playing a huge role in this. there has to be places that have payment plans and such. i would appreciate some feedback. thanks

Alcohol Recovery Center Chicago | Alcohol Addiction Treatment Center


Alcohol Recovery Center Chicago | Alcohol Addiction Treatment Center – http://drugrehabinchicago.org Alcohol Recovery Center Chicago’s residential facility treats drug, alcohol, and prescription drug abuse through detoxification…


Support for Alcoholism After Rehab? There's an App for That

Filed under: bethesda alcohol and drug treatment program

The investigators studied 349 patients with alcohol use disorder who were leaving 1 of 3 residential programs operated by 1 nonprofit treatment organization in the Midwestern United States and 2 residential programs that were also operated by a …
Read more on Medscape