drug use

Is This Moral Cartels Use Kids to Breach U.S. Border?

Question by THE GREATEST GODDESS JILL: Is this moral Cartels use kids to breach U.S. border?
Drug cartel members are using a variety of fronts and subterfuges – from fake tamale stands to child decoys – to gather intelligence about enhanced U.S. border security and exploit weaknesses to send in people and drugs, according to a new report obtained by The Washington Times.

The findings, by the U.S. Army’s Asymmetric Warfare Group, underline the growing threat to U.S. security from a porous border. Mexican drug cartels continue to probe for gaps in border defenses while fighting one another and Mexican authorities in a violent conflict that has killed more than 7,000 people in Mexico since the beginning of 2008. U.S. authorities also worry that terrorist groups could exploit vulnerabilities in border security.

Help… (Oxycotton/spins)?

Question by Suzie: help… (oxycotton/spins)?
help. my friend snorted oxycotton… she said that everything is spinning and she keeps comin in and out of reality… what can i do to help her… or what can she do to help herself!!!!!!!!

Best answer:

Answer by Tubby scrap metal
Oxycontin Addiction, Abuse and Treatment
General Principles

OxyContin is an opioid agonist first introduced in 1995. It is a Schedule 11 controlled drug used in the treatment of severe pain disorders. OxyContin is a long acting formulation of oxycodone, the medication’s active ingredient. Today, various formulations of oxycontin are available.

What Help Is Available Within England for Heroin Addiction?

Question by Maverick: What help is available within England for Heroin Addiction?
A family member of mine has a Heroin addiction. I have no idea how I can go about helping them, but having already lost one member to the drug, I do not wish to see another lose their life to it, especially one I’m so close to.

I’ve done some searching, but haven’t really found much information. It seems the only real help available has to be paid for and the prices are extortionate at best.

I don’t have much money myself, and neither does the person I wish to help.

What Is Your Opinion on Drug Addiction?

Question by asd: what is your opinion on drug addiction?
First of all ive been a recreational drug user for a few years. I have taken up smoking last year and for around 6 months i smoked 4-5 packs a month and now im to around 1 pack a month. I find myself craving a cigarette only when i have a satisfying meal or when i drink. I have also used a lot of pills. Most of my friends that have taken up smoking got hooked on them a few months into smoking and smoke atleast 1 pack a week and they are always ready to pop pills like they need them. When i first took up smoking i was worried i might get addicted as people say nicotine is the most addicting drug but my friend told me “if you dont want to get addicted to a drug, you wont”. This has proven true to me because i rarely smoke, take pills only when im stressed out and i dont find myself needing them like the rest of my friends. So what do you people think? A lot of talk is about saying how you can quickly become addicted to these substances but to me i use them moderately and just to enhance a party or a situation if you know what i mean. Do you think it just has something to do with people’s state of mind or what?
to the first answer. if you want to live your life following all the rules this world has established then thats your problem. Drugs can be a benefit and i speak from experience. We live such a short time and if you want to be like lambs following a leader whch you dont question well i feel sorry for you. and you didnt answer my question

DRUG ABUSE- Why Do People Use Drugs?

Question by unknown: DRUG ABUSE- why do people use drugs?
Why do people use drugs?
How do they get them?
How can drugs abuse be stopped?
What are the signs and symptoms of drug use?
Diseases from drug abuse, addiction to drugs, causes and effects of drug abuse.

Any info on drugs like cocaine heroine alcahol etc.

Best answer:

Answer by mike
-People use drugs for pleasure. or to run away from there problems.
-They can be injected, smoked, or eaten
-Drug abuse can be stopped if the person truly wants to get better.
-Signs can be social withdrawal, change in aggression, person seems “dumber”
-marijuana is the most abused drug. 50% of people try it in there lifetime. It induce pleasure and an “out of body” experience.

#4 Discover the 22 Crucial Signs of Drug Use in People Around You!


#4 Discover the 22 Crucial Signs of Drug Use in People Around You! – http://addictioneducation.net-Have you wondered if there is drug use in people around you. Watch this video to find out the 22 critical signs of drug use in …