substance abuse

Is Drug Use or Drug ABUSE the Gateway for Other Types of Abuse?

Question by Heavy Pen: Is drug use or drug ABUSE the gateway for other types of abuse?
Could I be on the correct track?
Fact! People are going to take drugs. Good drugs: medical purposes,
So-so Drugs: recreational drugs, Alcohol, Marijuana.
Bad drugs: Abuse, Addiction.
Alcohol is a drug and is legal, a depressant actually.
There will all ways be drug use, and for some drug abuse and addiction.
So to redefine the question:
Is drug use in general, or the abuse of drugs that are one of the leading causes of child abuse, sex abuse, power abuse, and other negative forms of abuse?
Not the only, very unfortunately for the rest of us, there are people that abuse others that are not on drugs.(Mental Issues) I’m thinking there would be a lot LESS abuse, if people did not abuse drugs. The world does have all kinds of people.
The real question is: Shouldn’t the parents teach their children about drugs and drug abuse to help reduce other types of abuse?
Drug abuse is just the Band-Aid, for the real problem isn’t it? The gateway is trying to remove yourself from some inner pain.
For the most part, drugs are good, used in the wrong way/abuse, drugs are bad. Then there are a lot of other ways people deal with that same kind of pain. Go shopping, eat, laugh(the best), and more ways than I want to try and define.

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Support Systems Homes Has Affordable Substance Abuse Treatment Programs In Santa Clara and Cupertino – Support Systems Homes has affordable substance abuse treatment programs in Santa Clara and Cupertino. Families with members that need help can expect afforda…


Jim Irsay Arrest Raises Questions About Addiction Problems


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Substance Abuse Treatment Phoenix AZ (877) 537-6169 Online Substance Abuse, Rehab and Detox


Substance abuse treatment Phoenix AZ (877) 537-6169 Online Substance Abuse, Rehab and Detox – For any substance abuse treatment in Phoenix, AZ area rely on Online Substance Abuse and call (877) 537-6169 for help with rehab and detox. We are a online c…


Drug Abuse Among Teenagers?

Question by James73402: Drug Abuse Among Teenagers?
Just need a little help with my speech,
If someone can give me some info or some good websites that would be awesome = )
Also statistics would be good

Best answer:

Substance Abuse Treatment Center in California 888-376-0706


Substance Abuse Treatment Center in California 888-376-0706 – Do you need a substance abuse treatment center in California? We at the can help you located a rehab near you. Our trai…